Blog 19 – Why? (It’s okay to ask) and continuation of why?

Just some thoughts in a couple of ditties on the question of why?

WHY (It’s okay to ask!

At some point we want to ask WHY?
We don’t always have the answers,
But it’s ok to ask WHY?
Even though it’s hard to take,

The question still remains WHY?
Why this? Why that?
Why does it hurt? Physically and mentally!
Why won’t the pain go away?

WHY me? Why do bad things happen?
Yet we never ask why good things happen!
We blame God for the bad!
We take credit for the good!

Why? Why, do we make these choices?
We always want to put the blame elsewhere,
Elsewhere, except our front door!
We can’t possibly be to blame!

Always someone else, normally God!
So flip it, yes flip it!
God is good, all the time,
All the time, God is good

Satan delights in the deceit and the lies,
The questions of Why? Why? Why? Continue.
It’s hard to accept, but it’s the truth,
We can ask why? In the right way,

It’s okay to ask God in the right way,
Not in a blame game, but in love,
In acceptance, in reverence and in responsibility.
Be thankful for the good,

Take the good out of the bad,
Find joy, peace and contentment
Instead of Why?
However there may not always be an answer!

Continuation of why?

Continuation of WHY?
Over and over and over and over.

Why, why, why, effing why?
Rumination, over thinking,
Over and over and over and over.

Why me? Why now?
Why can’t I sleep?
Why do I think the thoughts I do?
Over and over and over and over.

The little things, the big things,
The simple things, the complex things
Over thinking, worrying, stewing,
Anxiety kicking in,
Over and over and over and over.

A vicious circle here and one there,
Another over there too,
Jumping between circles,
Being bitten and beaten in each one
Why, why, why, round in circles
Over and over and over and over.

Cutting here and beating there
Why? What does it achieve?
Why go to dark places?
Why not the light, or in the open?
Is darkness my enemy or friend?
Where do I feel safe? Why do I feel safe there?
Over and over and over and over.

How do I escape?
Why do I need to escape?
Where do I need to escape too?
What good is there if I escape?
Is escaping the answer?
Am I free if I escape?
How do I escape?
Over and over and over and over

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